Chuck Anderson / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7491
Office: Computer Science Building 444

My research interests are in artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, reinforcement learning, and brain-computer interfaces. I hold joint appointments in the Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience Program, the School of Biomedical Engineering, the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, and the Systems Engineering Program.

Mohammed Arefin / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-8338
Office: Computer Science Building 368

My research concentrates on studying algorithms, technologies, perceptual mechanisms, and human visual systems to understand better the spatial perception of real and simulated virtual objects in real, augmented, and virtual environments.

Asa Ben-Hur / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-4068
Office: Computer Science Building 348

Bioinformatics, Machine Learning

Nathaniel Blanchard / Assistant Professor in Data Science
Phone: (970) 492-4213
Office: Computer Science Building 366

My research interests broadly cover machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. I work with several data modalities including computer vision, audio/text, and human-centric data such as fMRI, eye-gaze, and physiology. I have researched applications for student learners, teachers in classrooms, generalized AI, athlete injury prevention, and sentiment analysis.

Megan Brice / Graduate Advisor
Phone: (970) 491-8256
Office: Computer Science Building 250

Kim Chacon / Research Coordinator and Business Officer
Phone: (970) 491-7327
Office: Computer Science Building 266

Abhimanyu Chawla / Systems Administrator
Phone: (970) 491-0460
Office: Computer Science Building 478

Elisa Cundiff / Instructor
Phone: (970) 491-3739
Office: Computer Science Building 248

I am a graduate of the UWC of Hong Kong and NYU. In 2014 I was honored by the National Science Foundation at the White House as one of the “100 SuperStar Computer Science instructors” in the United States. I spent 2017 on a fellowship studying high performing low-income schools across the US.

Laura Daniels / Academic Success Coordinator
Phone: (970) 491-0692
Office: Computer Science Building 254

Ewan Davies / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-8564
Office: Computer Science Building 448

My research interests include approximate counting and sampling, probabilistic combinatorics, and extremal graph theory. I investigate high-dimensional combinatorial spaces and whether they can be efficiently enumerated or explored. My work frequently combines ideas from computer science, mathematics, and physics.

Fabio De Abreu Santos / Computer Science Scholar
Phone: (970) 491-8791
Office: Computer Science Building 458

My research is in applied AI and human aspects of software engineering, specifically in supporting individuals and communities to solve project tasks by matching their skills and expertise, contributing to workforce onboarding and retention.

Sophie Deam / Academic Success Coordinator - Data Science
Office: Computer Science Building 262

Kelsey Dockendorff / Academic Success Coordinator
Phone: (970) 491-4191
Office: Computer Science Building 350

Bruce Draper / Professor & Department Chair
Phone: (970) 491-7873
Office: Computer Science Building 270

My research is in computer vision and machine learning, and specifically, developing techniques for visually recognizing people, their gestures, and their actions, and for applying these recognition techniques to complex systems of interacting people and machines. I also hold an appointment in the Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience (MCIN) program.

Vidya Gaddy / Instructor
Phone: (970) 491-0009
Office: Computer Science Building 246

Sudipto Ghosh / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-4608
Office: Computer Science Building 468

My research interests are in the areas of modeling and testing software in the object-oriented, aspect-oriented, and component-based paradigms. I serve on the editorial boards of prominent technical publications, co-chair major conferences in the field, and am a member of the ACM and Senior Member of the IEEE.

Paul Hansen / Systems Administrator
Phone: (970) 491-6388
Office: Computer Science Building 472

Anura Jayasumana / Professor (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-7855
Office: Engineering C201D

Communication Networks and Protocols, Design Testing of Digital Systems

Michael Kirby / Professor (Joint Appointment Department of Mathematics)
Phone: (970) 491-6850
Office: Weber 211

Computational and Applied Mathematics, Optimization and Mathematical Modeling

Jacob Kirkwood / Admin Assistant II
Phone: (970) 491-3281
Office: Computer Science Building 276

Lisa Knebl / Communications Coordinator
Phone: (970) 491-7993
Office: Computer Science Building 260

Nikhil Krishnaswamy / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-3267
Office: Computer Science Building 362

My research lies at the intersection of Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Embodied Cognition. I study language and human-AI collaboration using perspectives from linguistics, cognitive science, mathematics, formal logic, and machine learning.

Yashwant Malaiya / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7031
Office: Computer Science Building 356

My research interests cover several key areas in reliable and secure computing. I work on topics that include vulnerability discovery, security risks and economics, software reliability, test effectiveness, impact of testing on reliability, fault modeling, and fault tolerance.

Ravi Mangal / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-8838
Office: Computer Science Building 372

Formal Methods, Machine Learning, Trustworthy AI, Assured Autonomy, Program Analysis and Verification

Dave Matthews / Special Instructor
Phone: (970) 491-4193
Office: Computer Science Building 244

I teach undergraduate courses in the Department of Computer Science and joined the faculty after 37 years in industry, primarily at HP in software R&D. My experience includes projects in languages, software engineering, networking, network management, user experience, and databases. I received my M.S. in computer science from CSU in 2013.

Jedidiah McClurg / Assistant Professor
Office: Computer Science Building 464

Programming Languages, Program Synthesis/Verification, High-Performance Computing, Software-Defined Networking

Ariana Mims / Instructor
Phone: (970) 491-7898

Bess Moodie / Lead Academic Success Coordinator
Phone: (970) 491-5944
Office: Computer Science Building 258

Marcia Moraes / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-3027
Office: Computer Science Building 456

My research interests are in learning analytics, technology enhanced teaching and learning, computer science education, and distance learning. I am particularly interested in developing innovative applications and methods that improve learning and teaching.

Francisco Ortega / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7445
Office: Computer Science Building 360

My main research area focuses on improving user interaction by eliciting (hand and full-body) gesture sets by user elicitation, developing interactive gesture-recognition algorithms, multimodal user interaction for virtual and augmented reality, and how to increase interest in computer science for non-CS, entry-level college students.

Troy Osborn / Academic Success Coordinator
Office: Computer Science Building 272

Sangmi Pallickara / Professor
Phone: (970) 492-4153
Office: Computer Science Building 374

My research interests are in the area of Big Data for the sciences, with an emphasis on issues related to predictive analytics, storage, retrievals, and metadata management. The research crosscuts data science and data engineering especially in the context of voluminous, high-velocity data. Software produced by my group has been deployed in agricultural sciences, environmental monitoring, epidemiology, and meteorology.

Shrideep Pallickara / Professor
Phone: (970) 492-4209
Office: Computer Science Building 364

My research interests are broadly in large-scale systems, big data, cyberinfrastructure, and GeoAI with a focus on using machine/deep learning, probabilistic, and statistical techniques to address scaling, autonomy, and tractability issues. These efforts target processing, routing, storing, and mining data streams generated by networked sensors, observational equipment, and programs with an emphasis on spatial data. I direct the Center for eXascale Spatial Data Analytics and Computing (XSD) ( at CSU.

Craig Partridge / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6633
Office: Computer Science Building 440

My research focuses on data networking. Any problem that involves moving bits, bytes, packets, chunks, files, or another abstraction between two machines is of interest to me. Much of my recent work has been in wireless networks. As department chair, I am working to improve the diversity of our student body and to expand our industry partnerships.

Sudeep Pasricha / Professor (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-0254
Office: Engineering B119

My research broadly focuses on software algorithms, hardware architectures, and hardware-software co-design for energy-efficient, fault-resilient, real-time, and secure computing. These efforts target multiscale computing platforms, including embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, cyber-physical systems, mobile devices, and datacenters.

Jean Peccoud / Professor (Joint Appointment Chemical & Biological Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-2482
Office: Scott Bioengineering Building 356A

Louisnoel Pouchet / Associate Professor (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-6439
Office: Computer Science Building 346

Optimizing Compilers, Parallel and Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing

Vinayak Prabhu / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-4192
Office: Computer Science Building 446

Cyber-physical Systems, Formal Methods, Hybrid Systems, Verification and Control

Sanjay Rajopadhye / Professor (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-7323
Office: Computer Science Building 340

Parallel Computing, Computer Architecture, Application Specific VLSI Processors, Embedded Systems

Indrajit Ray / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7097
Office: Computer Science Building 344

Database Systems, Transaction Processing and Workflow Systems, Computer and Network Security, Security Protocols, E-commerce Protocols

Indrakshi Ray / Professor (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-7986
Office: Computer Science Building 370

Database Systems, Formal Methods, Computer Security, E-commerce Protocols

Heidi Runge / Academic Success Coordinator
Phone: (970) 491-1630
Office: Computer Science Building 256

Sandra Sanchez / Office Manager
Phone: (970) 491-5562
Office: Computer Science Building 278

Logan Seabolt / Instructor
Phone: (970) 491-5861
Office: Computer Science Building 252

Fritz Sieker / Instructor
Office: Computer Science Building 235

Sarath Sreedharan / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7008
Office: Computer Science Building 466

My general research interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automated Planning, Reinforcement Learning (RL), Explainable/Human-Aware AI, and Neuro-Symbolic AI. My current focus is on developing AI systems that can make robust sequential decisions and effectively work and cooperate with people from all walks of life. In particular, I have developed planning and RL algorithms that can account for user expectations during decision-making and explanation generation algorithms for plans and policies generated by state-of-the-art AI techniques.

Bianca Trinkenreich / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-8868
Office: Computer Science Building 342

Bianca's interdisciplinary research aims to understand how the members of software engineering teams can flourish and better interact to produce software, leveraging Human-Centric AI, Software Teams' Culture, Developer Experience, Productivity, Creativity and Technostress. Bianca has published in prestigious venues like ICSE, CSCW, TSE, TOSEM, and IEEE Software and has received numerous awards, including the 2024 ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, ICSE Technical Track 2023 (Distinguished Paper Award), ICSE SEIS 2022 (Best Paper Award), CSCW 2020 (Honored Mention Award). She has over 20 years of industry experience, bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Wayne Trzyna / Systems & Network Administrator
Phone: (970) 491-1057
Office: Computer Science Building 474

L Whitley / Interim Associate Dean
Phone: (970) 491-5373
Office: Computer Science Building 462

Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning


Jack Applin / Senior Instructor Emeritus

Debbie Bartlett / Assistant Director for Advising and Mentoring Emerita
Office: Computer Science Building 272

Ross Beveridge / Professor Emeritus

Computer Vision, Model Matching, Sensor Fusion, Visual Feature Extraction, Local Search Optimization

James Bieman / Professor Emeritus (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Software Engineering, Software Metrics and Measurement, Object-oriented Software, Software Design and Testing

Dale Grit / Associate Professor Emeritus

Distributed Evaluation of Functional Programs

Robert Kelman / Professor and Department Chair Emeritus

Ross McConnell / Associate Professor Emeritus (Joint Appointment Department of Mathematics)

My research is on efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems. I am especially interested in recursive decompositions of arbitrary graphs and digraphs, algorithms for classes of graphs that are subclasses of the class of perfect graphs, and classes of graphs that have geometric representations.

James Peterson / Director Emeritus
Office: Computer Science Building 274

HJ Siegel / Professor Emeritus (Joint Appointment Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Phone: (970) 491-7982
Office: Engineering B115

Distributed and Heterogeneous Computing, Parallel Processing, Architectures and Algorithms, Networks


Leigha Richards-Orcutt

LEIGHA RICHARDS-ORCUTT / Student Staff Assistant
Email:      Phone: (970) 491-6512      Office: Computer Science Building 279

Victoria Serna

VICTORIA SERNA / Student Staff Assistant
Email:      Phone: (970) 491-6512      Office: Computer Science Building 279

Edith Valenzuela

EDITH VALENZUELA / Student Staff Assistant
Email:      Phone: (970) 491-6512      Office: Computer Science Building 279


photo of Robert France

Professor Emeritus
In Memoriam

photo of Adele Howe

Professor Emeritus
In Memoriam

Professor and Department Chair Emeritus Rod Oldehoeft

Professor and Department
Chair Emeritus

Professor Bernard Marschner

Professor and Department Chair