Nikhil Krishnaswamy Assistant Professor

Office: Computer Science Building 362

Phone: (970) 491-3267


Google Scholar:


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Brandeis University, 2017
  • M.A., Computational Linguistics, Brandeis University, 2013
  • B.S., Computer Game Development, DePaul University, 2010


My research revolves around using computational models of intelligence to tell us more about human intelligence. I study language by building interactive intelligent systems that use lanuage and studying how people interact with those systems, and by studying how the latent representations of such systems align with (or fail to align with) those of humans. I have applied my work to areas in education, defense, and healthcare and have received substantial funding from agencies such as the NSF, DARPA, ARPA-H, and the Army Research Office.

My lab's website is  Aspiring students, please use the contact form on my personal website (listed above)!