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Looking for more course information and syllabi? Below is a list of links to each course public website.
CS152: Introduction to Programming (CS0) with Python
CS164: (CS1) Computational Thinking with Java
CS165: Java (CS2) Data Structures and Algorithms
CS201: Ethical Computing Systems
CS220: Discrete Structures and their Applications
CS250: Foundations of Computer Systems
CS295: Data Structures Booster Course
CS310H: Design Thinking Toolbox: Mixed Reality Design
CS312: Modern Web Applications
CS320: Algorithms: Theory and Practice
CS345: Machine Learning Foundations and Practice
CS420: Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
CS422: Automata, Logic, and Computation
CS425: Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms
CS435: Introduction to Big Data
CS440: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS445: Introduction to Machine Learning
CS453: Introduction to Compiler Construction
CS455: Introduction to Distributed Systems
CS457: Computer Networks and the Internet
CS458: Blockchain Principles and Applications
CS462: Engaging in Virtual Worlds
CS464: Principles of Human-Computer Interaction
CS514: Software Product and Process Evaluation
CS522: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
CS523: Foundations of Computation
CS525: Bioinformatics Algorithms
CS/ECE528: Embedded Machine Learning
CS530: Fault-Tolerant Computing
CS533: Database Management Systems
CS540: Artificial Intelligence
CS542: Natural Language Processing
CS553: Algorithmic Language Compilers
CS560: Foundations of Fine-Grain Parallelism
CS561/ECE561: Hardware/Software Design of Embedded Systems
CS567: Introduction to 3D User Interfaces
CS580A8: Quantum Computing Algorithms