Q&A with data science alum Austin Lackey
Computer science alumna Augusta Irechukwu (B.S., '20) is building better government through data science
Computer science alumnus Ramadan Abdunabi wins CSU Best Teacher Award
How a CSU dynamic duo blazed a trail for inclusion

Welcome! At the Colorado State University Department of Computer Science, we believe that collaboration is essential to discovery. Our students are collaborating with each other to expand their perspective and skills. Our faculty are collaborating with colleagues around the world to find novel solutions and new paths in research, teaching, and service. And together we can harness the power of our relationships to explore, invent, and achieve at the lightening-fast pace our field requires. We are thankful and proud to have engaged alumni, partners, and friends like you.

Thank you to the Colorado State University Green and Gold Foundation! Your donation helped fund our first early start week in the new Key Natural Sciences Diversity Through Technology program. You gave underrepresented students in STEM early exposure to computer science and got them off to a great start in college. We appreciate all you do!


Craig Partridge appointed to Max Planck Institute advisory board

Computer science Professor Craig Partridge is among the international experts chosen to advise one of the world’s premier scientific research organizations.

Computer science faculty member named one of ‘AI’s 10 to Watch’ by IEEE Intelligent Systems

Computer Science Professor Sarath Sreedharan was named as one of “AI’s 10 to Watch” for his work on explainability and value alignment.

Q&A with data science alum Austin Lackey

CNS Source sat down with Austin Lackey, a CSU alum (’24), to learn more about the CSU Data Science program.

Benefits of nature: By any measure, Colorado values outdoor recreation

Outdoor recreation is worth a lot to Colorado, and not just in the income and jobs it creates. Coloradans derive significant value from outdoor recreation and report health benefits from spending time outdoors.